Garlic and Herb Roast Leg of Lamb
This deliciously juicy Garlic and Herb Leg of Lamb is roasted in the oven for a medium-rare to medium. This recipe will give you a perfect roast leg of lamb every time.
What is the leg of a lamb?
When we talk about lamb leg, we mean one of the back haunches of the animal, and the most common cut includes the upper part of the leg only. (Think of the thigh, without the lower part of the leg.)
Is lamb healthier than beef?
One ounce of lamb, grass-fed, has the same number of calories as grass-fed beef but actually has more health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids. People also get worried about lamb's fat content, but lamb actually has less marbling of fat within the meat compared to beef.
Is lamb healthy to eat?
Not only is it a rich source of high-quality protein, but it is also an outstanding source of many vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Because of this, regular consumption of lamb may promote muscle growth, maintenance, and performance. In addition, it helps prevent anemia.
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Garlic and Herb Roast Leg of Lamb
4 lbs leg of lamb
14 garlic cloves
4 Tbsp fresh rosemary
4 Tbsp olive oil
6 Tbsp fresh parsley
2 Tbsp fresh thyme
1 Tbsp Tabasco Original Red Pepper Sauce
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
For the Gravy:
1 medium-size onion
2 carrots
1 celery rib
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 cups beef broth, divided, and pan drippings
For this recipe, we are using a four-pound easy carb semi-boneless leg of lamb. The benefit of getting a semi-boneless leg of lamb is that the bone from the top part of the leg has been removed for easy carving. Now in a small food processor add 14 cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons of fresh rosemary, 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme, 6 tablespoons of fresh parsley,
2 teaspoons of salt or to taste,
1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper or to taste, 4 tablespoons of olive oil,
and one tablespoon of Tabasco sauce. The tabasco sauce is not gonna make it spicy, it's gonna give it a nice kick. Then process the whole thing until it turns into a paste.
After a couple of minutes, it should look just like so.
Now pour the garlic paste over the leg of lamb.
Go in with clean hands of course and make sure you rub the garlic paste all over the leg inside and out.
For the part of the leg that is boneless, make sure that with your fingers you stuff some of that garlic paste inside. We'd want this leg of lamb bursting with flavor from the inside out.
Cover with plastic wrap, and for a full-flavored leg of lamb keep in the fridge and marinate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
Before roasting the leg of lamb bring it out of the fridge and keep it at room temperature for at least one hour.
Now at the bottom of your roasting pan add in 1 medium size onion, 2 carrots, and 1 celery rib, to that add in 1 cup of beef broth. After your leg of lamb has rested at room temperature for at least 1-hour place it over the rack.
Now roast at 350 F. degrees for about 1 hour and 45 minutes or until the internal temperature of 135 F to 140 F degrees is reached for medium-rare to medium. And if everything goes according to plan your garlic and herb leg of lamb should look like this.
Let the leg of the lamb rest for at least 30 minutes before carving. While the leg of lamb is resting, let's go ahead and make the gravy while the roasting pan is still hot add in two cups of beef broth, and what you want to do now is to deglaze the bottom of the pan, just like so, getting all the brown bits that's where all the flavor is. Pour the liquid into another container and you may get rid of the vegetables at this point. Now in a saucepan over medium heat add 2 tablespoons of butter once the butter has melted add a quarter of a cup of all-purpose flour. Go ahead and give that a stir and cook off the flour for about a minute or so.
then pour in the liquid from the roasting pan. Simmer for about three to five minutes or until the gravy thickens.
Go ahead and remove the twine before carving. We are serving with roasted potatoes and the amazing savory homemade gravy. Once the leg of lime has rested go ahead and carve for a juicy delicious and moist leg of lamb. And now you are ready to eat.
There you guys have it, garlic and herb leg of lamb. Enjoy,
and buen provecho!