Carlota de Limon

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of Mexico with our tantalizing Mexican Lime Ice Box Cake, also known as Carlota de Limón. This delightful dessert combines the zesty essence of limes with the creamy richness of condensed and evaporated milk, all layered between buttery chocolate cookies and vanilla wafers. Whether it's a festive gathering or a cozy family dinner, this cake is sure to steal the show and leave everyone craving more.

Versatile Ingredients: One fascinating aspect of this recipe is its adaptability. While it calls for specific ingredients like Maria cookies and Mexican limes for an authentic flavor, it also offers flexibility. You can substitute ingredients like regular limes or different types of cookies to tailor the dessert to your preferences or ingredient availability.

Carlota de Limon

No-Bake Convenience: Unlike many desserts that require baking, the Mexican Lime Ice Box Cake is a no-bake recipe. This makes it perfect for hot summer days or when you want a delicious treat without heating up the kitchen. Simply assemble the layers, chill, and enjoy—a hassle-free dessert option for any occasion.


1. Can I use any type of lime for this recipe?

  • While Mexican limes are traditional for an authentic flavor, you can use regular limes if Mexican limes are not available. Just make sure they are fresh and juicy for the best results.

2. Can I substitute butter for the cookie crust?

  • Yes, you can substitute melted margarine or coconut oil for the butter in the cookie crust if desired. However, keep in mind that it may slightly alter the flavor and texture.

3. How long does the cake need to chill before serving?

  • The cake should chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or until set. Overnight chilling is recommended for the best results, as it allows the flavors to meld together.

4. Can I make this cake ahead of time?

  • Yes, this cake can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days before serving. Just make sure to cover it tightly with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.

5. Can I freeze leftovers of this cake?

  • Yes, you can freeze leftover slices of the cake for up to 1 month. Wrap each slice tightly in plastic wrap and then aluminum foil before placing them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

6. Can I use different types of cookies for this recipe?

  • While Maria cookies are traditional, you can experiment with different types of cookies for the layers, such as graham crackers, shortbread cookies, or even chocolate wafer cookies, for a unique twist on the recipe.

7. Can I add any additional toppings or garnishes?

  • Absolutely! You can garnish the cake with whipped cream, fresh berries, or a drizzle of chocolate sauce for an extra indulgent touch. Get creative and make it your own!

8. Can I make this recipe dairy-free or vegan?

  • Yes, you can make dairy-free or vegan substitutions for the condensed milk and evaporated milk, such as using coconut milk or almond milk alternatives. Additionally, use dairy-free butter for the cookie crust.

9. How can I prevent the cake from becoming soggy?

  • Make sure to coat each layer of cookies evenly with the lime filling to prevent sogginess. Also, avoid adding too much liquid to each layer and ensure the cake is well-chilled before serving.

10. Can I adjust the sweetness of the cake to my preference?

  • Yes, you can adjust the sweetness by adding more or less sweetened condensed milk to the lime filling mixture according to your taste preferences. Start with the recommended amount and adjust as needed.

Make it

Mexican Lime Ice Box Cake Recipe aka Carlota de Limon!


  • 2 packages (7 oz each) of Maria cookies (1 chocolate, 1 vanilla)

  • 1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk

  • 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk

  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  • 3 limes, juiced.

  • Zest of limes, for garnish


  1. Prepare the Chocolate Cookie Crust:

    • Crush the chocolate cookies into fine crumbs using a food processor or by placing them in a sealed plastic bag and crushing them with a rolling pin.

    • In a mixing bowl, combine the chocolate cookie crumbs with melted butter until well blended. This forms the base of your cake.

  2. Layer the Cookie Crust:

    • Press the chocolate cookie mixture evenly into the bottom of a springform pan or any baking dish of your choice, using the back of a measuring cup to ensure it's tightly packed. This creates the foundation for your cake.

  3. Prepare the Lime Filling:

    • In a blender, combine the sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, lime juice, and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth and creamy.

  4. Layer the Cake:

    • Begin layering by placing a single layer of Maria cookies on top of the chocolate cookie crust.

    • Pour a portion of the lime filling over the cookies, using a spoon or spatula to spread it evenly and ensure the cookies are coated.

    • Continue layering with cookies and lime filling until you have used up all the ingredients, ending with a layer of the lime filling on top.

  5. Chill:

    • Cover the cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until set. This chilling time allows the flavors to meld together and the cake to firm up.

  6. Garnish and Serve:

    • Once chilled, remove the cake from the refrigerator and carefully release it from the springform pan, if using.

    • Garnish the top of the cake with additional Maria cookie crumbs and lime zest for a burst of flavor and visual appeal.

    • Slice and serve the Mexican Lime Ice Box Cake chilled, allowing your guests to indulge in each tangy, creamy bite.

Savor the refreshing flavors and delightful textures of this exquisite dessert, perfect for any occasion. Don't forget to share your creations and tag us on social media. ¡Buen provecho!